When the lights are low
We notice down below
How it glows brightly

And all we've washed away
Now comes out to play
With me

But this is a farce
If it's not in my own words
And I fight for a moment of rest

Just for that second we're sure we're alive
We notice our lives are defind
By what we steal 
By what we steal 
By what we steal 
By what we steal 

Trying to reach for you
Is such a breach of me
And my shell
Oh well

The answers are such a task
The questions are loaded when you ask
"What about me?"

Am I using my own words now?
Or is someone beyond
Just waving their wand

And just for that moment we're shure we're alive
We notice our lives are defined
By what we steal
By what we steal
By what we steal
By what we steal

So what if I float
So what if I drift
Refuse to believe
That this is all a gift 
For me
For me
For me